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Violent incident log for SB 553 compliance

This month we’re going to deep dive into SB 553, California’s new workplace violence bill. Employer compliance is required starting in July.

We’re rolling out a new feature that meets the SB 553 requirements for a violent incident log; you’ll find more information about this towards the bottom.

What is SB 553?

SB 553 is the Workplace Violence Prevention Bill passed into law in California in the U.S. in September of 2023. The deadline for compliance with the new law is July 1, 2024. Click this link for a SB 553 fact sheet issued by the state of California.

Who is affected by SB 553?

The law applies to all California employers, employees, and workplaces except:

  • Workplaces with fewer than 10 employees on-site at a time that are also not open to the public
  • Employees who telework from a location of their choice that is not under the employer’s control (e.g., remote employees who work from their home or a coworking space of their choice)
  • Certain healthcare facilities and other public entity employers that are covered under different regulations

What is required by SB 553?

SB 553 has three main requirements:

  1. A workplace violence prevention plan that includes identification and evaluation of hazards that could lead to workplace violence, as well as incident reporting and investigation processes. Potential risks must be regularly assessed and updated.
  2. A violent incident log, where reported incidents of workplace violence are recorded as thoroughly as possible. The law is clear about what incident information should be collected and what reactive steps should be recorded.
  3. Initial and then annual employee training on the prevention plan (with additional training if the plan changes or a new hazard is identified), including how to recognize, respond to, and report incidents of workplace violence, and how employees can participate in the development of the plan. Training must be interactive, with the opportunity to ask questions of someone who knows the employer’s plan. It must also be accessible and relevant to the particular workforce taking it. Records of this training must be maintained.

Spot can help!

We’re rolling out a new Report Workplace Violence interview that existing customers can add to their Spot instances. This workflow will fulfill the SB 553 requirements for a violent incident log, including the ability after the report is received for admins to remove personal identifying information from the employee’s violent incident report and to add information about consequences and steps taken as a result.

This new workflow will be available ahead of the compliance deadline of July 1, 2024.

If you have questions about this, please reach out directly at hello@talktospot.com

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