Hi there,
This is your monthly roundup of Spot product updates and DEI-related content.
Out of holiday mode
Spot’s executive team just returned from a retreat with our parent company, All Turtles, in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. We’re back and better than ever after some very serious in-person bonding.

This ? ? Repeating
Spot has partnered with Deel! Deel helps companies hire, onboard, and pay people anywhere in the world. Get 10% off with this referral link: https://get.deel.com/tle2td41o9fr
If you use the global payroll and compliance provider, you can get 50% off your first year of Spot: talktospot.com/deel
Workplace Culture Quotes of the Month
Goldman Sachs proves that it does not pay to ignore culture problems.
The investment banking firm has settled a gender discrimination class-action lawsuit for $215 million.
The settlement sends a strong message to employers that there are real consequences for pay discrimination. It’s no longer enough to pay lip service and take part in performative solidarity with women and people of color.
—Noreen Farrell, Executive Director, Equal Rights Advocates
(HR Brew)
Companies that don't heed the call on diversity will "eventually become extinct and irrelevant."
In a special report on business and racial justice, the Edelman Trust Barometer finds that 6 out of 10 employees won’t work for companies that decline to call out racial injustice, and 62% say organizations are doing “mediocre or worse” when it comes to their promises to address racism.
I think the takeaway for business is, if you thought you were doing well, you're not. Companies should respond by realizing that when you do not have a representative workforce, your work suffers.
—Lisa Osborne Ross, U.S. CEO, Edelman