Hi there,

This is your monthly roundup of Spot product updates and DEI-related content.

Spotā€™s Slack App Is Here! Get Feedback via Slack ?

Our new Slack app lets employees quickly submit concerns or feedback via Slack. Lightweight reports submitted through Slack will appear in your Spot dashboardā€”just like reports submitted via Spotā€™s chatbot or telephone hotlineā€”and can be managed the same way. 

To add Spot to your organizationā€™s Slack workspace, go to Case Management > Integration for Slack. Hereā€™s some sample text for announcing this new intake channel:

You can now submit feedback or concerns to [team name] in Slack! We use Spot for surfacing issues large and small, and their Slack app makes this much simpler. Go to the Spot app inside of Slack to quickly surface a question or issue. You can also type /spot in any Slack channel or DM, and Spot will privately respond with an option to submit feedback. We can then use Spot as a go-between to follow up with you.

This šŸ» šŸ» Repeating

? New AI-assisted follow-ups!
The Spot dashboard now uses AI to suggest follow-up questions on new reports.

This AI feature prompts you with relevant questions that are designed to be open and non-leading. Youā€™ll see AI Suggestions when you click ā€œAsk follow-up questionsā€ inside of a new report or a report that has been submitted in the last 30 days.

ā˜Žļø One more time for the cheap seats in the back:
Telephone hotline now available. Spot offers incident intake via chatbot, forms, an app, and now telephone! Call our test hotline to try it out:
?? +1 656-223-1288
?? +31 97010255732

Workplace Culture Quotes of the Month

The new year brought a surge of retrospectives on the supposed death of corporate DE&I. We had planned a round-up of these obituaries (like this reflection from SHRM), when a New York Times op-ed, penned by two Harvard Business School professors and the founder of The Leadership Consortium, appeared. Two choice bits from ā€œCritics of D.E.I. Forget That It Worksā€:

[A]ll-male teams outperformed individuals nearly 60 percent of the time, but gender diverse teams outperformed individuals almost 75 percent of the time. Teams that were gender and geographically diverse, and had at least one age gap of 20 years or more, made better decisions than individuals 87 percent of the time. [On research conducted by Erik Larsonā€™s Cloverpop]

Among other payoffs, organizations that get inclusion right at scale seem to be smarter, more innovative and more stable. One explanation is that they can see their competitive landscape ā€” threats, risks, opportunities ā€” more clearly and have greater access to the full knowledge base of their people. (SHRM, New York Times, Cloverpop)

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